    HomeIn MediaCBD/CannabisCloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer - Portable & Rechargeable Dry Herb Vaporizer

    Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer – Portable & Rechargeable Dry Herb Vaporizer

    If you’re into the Vaping Trend and happen to be looking for a new vaporizer that can be easily packed into your pocket, then you should take a look at the brand-new Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer.

    The Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer is a battery-powered vaporizer that works with Dual Layer Heating Technology, meaning that it combines convection heating for vapor consistency with conduction heating for space and energy efficiency.

    Basically, this battery-powered vaporizer works by creating a hybrid heating process without needing a large battery as well as without requiring a heating path – meaning the same heating path designs that are commonly seen on standard convection heating vaporizers.

    Ultimately, the Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer offers you the smallest and most cost-effective convection heating vaporizer that’s currently available on the market.

    Now, let’s take a more detailed look at the Atomic9 and check out everything that this sleek, cool-looking, and “tech-packed” battery-powered vaporizer has to offer you.


    Starting with the Atomic9’s size, the vaporizer features a pocket-sized design, measuring exactly just 1.45 inches wide (the base) by 0.88 inches deep (thickness) by 3.85 inches tall. Not only that, but this vaporizer is also quite lightweight, weighing just a measly 2.6 oz., which ultimately makes it extremely portable and easy to carry with you at all times within your pocket.

    Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer
    Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer

    Now, regarding its exterior design, the Atomic9 features a gorgeous Anodized Aluminum Alloy body with a matted finish, which not only gives it a very aesthetically pleasing look, but ultimately makes it an ultra-durable dry herb vaporizer.

    Right at the top of the vaporizer, we can find its flip-magnetic mouthpiece, which can be very easily opened with one quick and simple “flip” motion.

    Additionally, the vaporizer’s flip-magnetic mouthpiece also integrates a Detachable Rapid Vapor Cooling Chamber that helps to minimize the inhaling airpath length while also cooling the vaporizer’s created hot vapor, ultimately offering users a perfectly tempered and rich tasting vapor.

    Additionally, other than its Detachable Rapid Vapor Cooling Chamber, the Atomic9 also integrates a Removable Residue Cleaning Chamber (found right at the center of the unit), which, by combining it with its already mentioned detachable rapid vapor cooling chamber gives you a  full access cleaning, ultimately making cleaning the vaporizer a very easy task for any user (even people that just got into Vaping).

    Now, as soon as you open up its flip-magnetic mouthpiece, you’ll quickly notice its patent-pending Retractable Herb Loading Shovel, which comes integrated to fix the inconvenience of choosing between painfully “pinch-loading” your choice of dry herbs or rushing that same process and potentially end up creating a dry-herb mess.

    Users can quickly and conveniently push out (as well as retract back in) the vaporizer’s Retractable Herb Loading Shovel by using its dedicated Sliding One-Push Handle, which can be easily found at the left side of the unit. Ultimately, the vaporizer’s Retractable Herb Loading Shovel makes loading its chamber a quick and easy process, and that also applies for whenever you are on-the-go.

    Now, speaking of the vaporizer’s chamber, this is a full-ceramic heating chamber – meaning its completely made of ceramic – and its dedicated heating chamber measures exactly 0.39 inches (10 mm) in diameter and is exactly 0.71 inches (18 mm) deep, so you actually get quite a reasonably large amount of space for your choice of dry herb product that you’ll be heating up and vaping.


    Lastly, we’ll take a look at the vaporizer’s opposite side, meaning the right side of the unit. Here you can find its one and only Operation Button, which is exactly what consists and also gives you full-access to the Atomic9’s interface.

    First, you can turn the vaporizer On and Off by pressing its Operation Button three times in a rapid fashion. After that, you can once again use the same button (its Operation Button) to configure the vaporizer to use one of its (x6) different adjustable temperatures, which range from 356°F to 428°F.

    By holding the vaporizer’s Operation Button for exactly 5 seconds you’ll trigger the unit’s status LEDs (found close to the top) to blink, and that will give you access to control the vaporizer’s temperature settings. Then, simply press the same button with gentle single taps to scroll through the vaporizer’s 6 different temperature settings to go between 356°F and 428°F).

    Depending on what temperature setting you decide to go with, the vaporizer’s full-ceramic heating chamber will quickly heat in around 30 to 45 seconds.

    Remember to chose the best recommended temperature for whatever type of dry herb you decide to go with to ultimately have the Atomic9 produce rich and consistent convection quality vapors.


    As mentioned earlier, the Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer is a battery-powered vaporizer that works with Dual Layer Heating Technology.

    To put it simply, this high-end vaporizer combines convection heating for vapor consistency with conduction heating for space and energy efficiency. Its dual-layer heating method works simply by creating a hybrid heating process that doesn’t require the use of a large battery or a heating path.

    Ultimately, its the vaporizer’s patent-pending “Dual Layer” heating technology that brings you those already-mentioned rich convection quality vapors.

    Overall, this vaporizer’s heating method works quite nicely and I had no flaws whatsoever, even after multiple uses.

    The same goes for its cleaning process, which, thanks to its Detachable Rapid Vapor Cooling Chamber and its Removable Residue Cleaning Chamber, is a very simple task to perform regularly.


    Now we’ll have a look at its internal battery. As stated before, the Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer is a battery-powered vaporizer. The unit comes equipped with a powerful 900mah rechargeable Lithium-Ion battery that can offer you between 9 to 12 sessions (depending on how high you have the vaporizer’s heating temperature set to).

    Lastly, the Atomic9 also comes together with its very own proprietary AC Adapter and Charging Cable, which making recharging its battery a very easy thing to do. It’ll take you around 2 to 2.5 hours to have its battery go from a low (or completely depleted) charge back to 100%.


    The Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer is a battery-powered vaporizer that works with Dual Layer Heating Technology, meaning that it combines convection heating for vapor consistency with conduction heating for space and energy efficiency.

    Featuring a pocket-sized design and a simple and user-friendly One-Button Interface, this portable and battery-powered vaporizer can very well be the thing you’re looking for.

    Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer
    Cloudious9 Atomic9 Vaporizer

    The Atomic9 is currently available in two (x2) different color models: Black and Gray.


    If you’re interested in buying it, each unit is currently going for $59.99. You can order yours online right now, directly from Cloudious9’s official shopping page, which you can access via this link.

    David Novak
    David Novak
    For the last 20 years, David Novak has appeared in newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV around the world, reviewing the latest in consumer technology. His byline has appeared in Popular Science, PC Magazine, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Electronic House Magazine, GQ, Men’s Journal, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Mechanics, Forbes Technology, Readers Digest, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Glamour Magazine, T3 Technology Magazine, Stuff Magazine, Maxim Magazine, Wired Magazine, Laptop Magazine, Indianapolis Monthly, Indiana Business Journal, Better Homes and Garden, CNET, Engadget, InfoWorld, Information Week, Yahoo Technology and Mobile Magazine. He has also made radio appearances on the The Mark Levin Radio Show, The Laura Ingraham Talk Show, Bob & Tom Show, and the Paul Harvey RadioShow. He’s also made TV appearances on The Today Show and The CBS Morning Show. His nationally syndicated newspaper column called the GadgetGUY, appears in over 100 newspapers around the world each week, where Novak enjoys over 3 million in readership. David is also a contributing writer fro Men’s Journal, GQ, Popular Mechanics, T3 Magazine and Electronic House here in the U.S.

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