Nowadays, your standard handheld vacuum cleaners come packing much smarter designs than the old-school and “now-outdated” canister vacuum cleaner models. Nevertheless, when looking for a new handheld vacuum cleaner for yourself, deciding on what brand to go with can be somewhat of a hard task. As such, the safest and most obvious choice is to go with a brand that you already have some information about, meaning a brand that you know that has been putting years and years of experience and technological expertise into developing higher end handheld vacuum cleaners. So, for those looking to swap their old handheld vacuum cleaners with a more modern model, consider checking out the Redroad V17 Handheld Cordless Vacuum Cleaner from Redroad.
For those wondering what type of company Redroad is, this company has recently been recognized as “The Dream Team” in the smart home appliance industry.
Basically, Redroad is an emerging smart home appliance provider from Asia, which was actually founded just 4 years ago, in 2017. The reason why that tittle first came to place is simply because this rocketing and fast-growing brand is lead by a dream team with diverse areas of expertise, extensive experience, and close cooperation.

Over the past several years, Redroad has won the most important industrial design awards including IDEA (International Design Excellence Awards), CMF DESIGN AWARD, iF Design Award, Red Dot Award, G-Mark Award, etc.
The “Dream Team” Members
Now, it’s worth mentioning that at the center of this “Dream Team” there are exactly twelve experts from different sections of the whole industry chain, including experts from Industrial Design, R&D, Supply and Marketing Chain Integration, as well as Production, Quality Control, Marketing, and a few other areas.
Furthermore, each member of the Redroad team also accounts for 10 to 20 years of experience in the home appliance industry.
It’s also worth pointing out that around 70% of all vacuum cleaners in the world are produced in Suzhou, China. And among the top 15 Chief Technical Engineers in China, 3 of those are actually based in the Redroad R&D (Research and Development) Center in Suzhou. Suffice it to say, Redroad has a top-level talent pool, which we’ll talk about in greater in a moment.
Overall, the Redroad team is focused on remaining consistent on delivering competitive products that are designed to improve consumers’ quality-of-like, with cutting-edge technologies, fine material, and advanced processing, for which that whole product development process is mainly based on strong customer empathy.
Redroad’s Project Director(s)
As such, not only are there young experts in Design, Electronic Control Engineering, Product Architecture, and Quality Control, but there’s also an elder Project Director who has been specializing in the vacuum cleaner industry for 28 years.
To be a little more specific, the project manager behind the company’s brand-new Redroad V17 Handheld Cordless Vacuum Cleaner has been involved in vacuum cleaner projects that yield 50 million items in total, which equals to exactly 4 months of the whole world’s production. In other words, if we were to line up the boxes of 50 million vacuum cleaners, we would be able to circle the equator of planet Earth for exactly 8 times.
In sum, Redroad’s experienced Project Director has led both the design as well as the whole process of R&D (Research and Development) of more than 100 models of vacuum cleaners and other home appliances. Not only that, but one model that he developed for a North American brand is actually a world record keeper as the best seller in the category for 12 consecutive years.
Additionally, Redroad’s most experienced Project Director also accounts for the help and support of one other Project Director, for which these two R&D (Research and Development) directors are accountable for more than 1,000 product-patents combined.
Other Notable Team Members
Last but not least, Redroad’s Chief ID Designer once led the design for a world top bicycle brand, for which he was awarded by the brand’s global design committee. For his achievements, he’s named one of the top ten young Chinese designers worldwide.
And just recently, Redroad has also invited three PhDs from the University of British Columbia to develop AI applications.
Through seamless cooperation, the Redroad team has been developing many different innovative appliances that are ultimately designed to keep their customers’ houses clean and comfy.

One of those products is obviously Redroad’s brand-new and recently released Redroad V17, which is an ultra-modern handheld cordless vacuum cleaner that’s sleek, powerful, extremely quiet, and very, very versatile.

As consumers would expect from any high-quality brand, any promising and innovative project at Redroad starts with a product definition meeting that’s called by the product manager, for which each and every single one of those meetings are based on customer and market needs, and as such, each meeting involves experts from different sections of the industry chain.
The product definition is then handed to IDMD engineers to make a reality of both the look and structure design of each product. The product’s design itself has to be both satisfactory to the customers and feasible for mass production, and it all comes down to a drawing.
The product prototype (which is also based on that drawing) is then manufactured accordingly, and after the first prototype version of that product prototype is built, the finished prototype will also undertake repetitive tests that are designed to eliminate any potential problems.
Finally, once the prototype testing-phase is concluded, the optimized plan then goes to the tooling engineers to prepare the molds. Meanwhile, quality control and engineering experts will design the BOM (bill of materials). Nevertheless, before the whole process ends, it still requires the work of experts in the supply chain, production, and quality control.
As we can see, any high-quality products that come from a higher-end brand who’s focused on meeting the highest consumer and industry standards that are currently expected in nowadays market obviously undergo through rigorous procedures, which start right from their prototyping-phase all the way to the end-product.
And so, for a company such as RedRoad, it’s safe to say that their most recently released handheld cordless vacuum cleaner, the Redroad V17, obviously meets all of those consumer and industry standards, as this outstanding home appliance features a compact and sleek design and comes equipped with a powerful, yet whisper-quiet motor.
So, if you’re looking for a new brand of home appliances to go with, whether you simply need a handheld vacuum cleaner or even something else that can also help to improve your quality of life, consider going with Redroad’s products, as the company itself is always looking to improve and innovate over whatever other competing products are currently available on the market.